
Mastering Mobile App Tracking: Different Paths to Seamless Analytics

on 10.07.2024 by Zofia Radzikowska

Remember when marketers realized that most of the traffic on their website was coming from smartphones? And the rush that followed as they tried to check whether their website even worked on a small screen? Fortunately, today no one doubts the importance of this topic – optimizing the user experience on mobile devices has become […]

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re:publica 2024 – Data and AI in the digital society

on 04.06.2024 by Dr. Matthias Böck

As in previous years, FELD M was visiting re:pubilca 2024 in Berlin and engaged with some of the currently socially relevant discourses. From data, data ethics and AI to the future of care and personal insights into crisis journalism, there were plenty of interesting and exciting talks and presentations. Our colleague Dr. Ramona Greiner also […]

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The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Modern Data Stack

on 27.02.2024 by Kirsten Hipolito

Hello, weary traveler. You’ve likely read about the modern data stack, a set of components to collect and analyze data, optimized for maximum accessibility, scalability, maintainability, and robustness.  In this article, we’ll outline four key factors you should consider when selecting the tools in your modern data stack: your people, your data use cases, your budget, […]

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Digital Markets Act (DMA), consent management and Google Consent Mode: A comprehensive guide for marketers

on 22.01.2024 by FELD M

In an era where privacy regulations are shaping the digital landscape, mastering consent management is the key to safeguarding your digital ad revenue. In this guide, we’ll delve into the Digital Markets Act (DMA) and Google Consent Mode, shedding light on how a reliable Consent Management Platform (CMP) can help you navigate these complexities.   […]

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From Lab to Launch: 5 Big Hurdles in Taking Machine Learning to Production

on 02.11.2023 by Dr. Matthias Böck, Roua Guesmi

Ever since the rise of OpenAI and Stable Diffusion, machine learning has been hyped as a game-changing technology that can revolutionize everything from our everyday work life to how businesses function on a fundamental level. By leveraging machine learning algorithms, businesses can automate processes, improve customer experiences, and make data-driven decisions at scale. To do […]

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Grow up your Data Strategy: A Maturity Assessment Tool for Grown-Ups

on 26.07.2023 by Dr. Julius Kayser

Today, many organizations are struggling to keep up with the rapidly increasing volume and complexity of data being generated by their operations. Some organizations are still relying on manual data collection and analysis processes, which can be time-consuming, error-prone, and limit the ability to make data-driven decisions in real-time. Additionally, there may be a lack […]

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The EU-US Data Privacy Framework OR “Can I use GA legally now?”

on 24.07.2023 by Stefan Riegler, Thomas Symann

In this blog post, you’ll learn: What is an adequacy decision and what does it mean for data transfers to the US? What are the latest developments for the EU-US Data Protection Framework? What impact does it have on my data strategy and use of US-based tools such as Google Analytics? What might happen next? […]

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FELD M @ Adobe Summit EMEA 2023 — A Summary of Insights & Trends

on 24.07.2023 by Sarah Kretzer, Daria Larkina

Focus topics and tools at the Adobe Summit 2023 How to navigate a cookieless world: Real-Time CDP Personalized insights & engagement: Real Madrid use case GenAI: Adobe Sensei A party of three: Insights for analysts, marketers and product teams Summary   Focus topics and tools at the Adobe Summit EMEA 2023 During our two days […]

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Data Engineer’s Digest of PyCon Berlin 2023

on 13.07.2023 by Mariia Snihyr

I am Mariia, a Data Engineer in the Data Product team at FELD M. In April 2023, my colleague and I visited Berlin to attend the famous PyCon – the largest European convention for the discussion and promotion of the Python programming language. Every year it gathers Python users and enthusiasts from all over the […]

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The Battle of Google’s Looker Products: Which One is Right for Your Data Visualization Needs?

on 17.05.2023 by Sandy Bekheet, Marvin Geisler

Looker and Looker Studio (Pro), formerly known as Google Data Studio, are two widely used business intelligence tools of the Google cosmos that help creating interactive dashboards and reports. Both tools have their own strengths and are designed for different use cases and target groups. In this article, we explore the features of each tool […]

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