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Efficient campaign optimization
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Competition is fierce and margins are tight in online publishing. Germany’s well-established current affairs magazine DER SPIEGEL is one of the country’s largest online magazines and a major brand in online publishing, but it can’t afford to be complacent. Staying ahead of competitors requires not only excellent content, but also a well-designed media mix across channels and formats to reach out to a broad target group. To efficiently manage campaign performance and budget in such a complex and volatile environment, efficient tracking tools are essential.
DER SPIEGEL contacted FELD M requesting support in setting up a powerful tracking tool for all of its marketing channels and the news and e-commerce websites of its two main brands DER SPIEGEL (spiegel.de) and manager (manager-magazin.de) including its products manager magazin and Harvard Business manager.
3 key advantages of the new system:
FELD M supported DER SPIEGEL in its switch from Google Analytics to Adobe Analytics. User-friendliness was a top priority in setting up the requested new campaign tracking tool. The customer required more detailed data for reporting needs. This information – on campaign objectives and banner motifs as well as essential SPIEGEL-specific points like adding offer IDs and products – was unavailable in the existing solution. Costs from main advertisers should also be included.
All required users such as SPIEGEL employees as well as service agencies should be enabled to easily set up their campaigns and create a verified and coherent set of campaign data across all marketing channels, traffic types and brands. The exact needs and use cases were discussed in a joint requirement analysis with DER SPIEGEL, its agencies and FELD M. Based on this requirement analysis, values and dimensions were added to the tool, so that specific requirements for each marketing channel and user group were considered. By using the LINK MANAGER, FELD M was able to deliver a clean, enriched and reliable set of campaign data into DER SPIEGEL’s Web Analytics reports.
With the LINK MANAGER and CAMPAIGN DATA IMPORTER, one single source of campaign data insight for all channels and brands has been established as a basis for reliable and powerful campaign reports. The CAMPAIGN DATA IMPORTER automatically uploads performance metrics into Adobe Analytics on a daily basis. For DER SPIEGEL, the setup includes the advertisers’ Facebook Ads, Microsoft Ads and Google Ads (for Google Ads Search, display and shopping campaign types).
In just one campaign report, DER SPIEGEL can now analyze data about key user interactions on its Website – such as successful subscriptions or logins into SPIEGEL+ content – alongside the actual spending to reach those results. This leads to a substantial increase in efficiency in campaign steering and media spending optimization.
What is a case study? We use the case study format to present our customer projects as examples. Our case studies on topics such as campaign tracking or digital analytics in general aim to highlight the challenges and problems faced by our customers and the solutions we have developed. You will learn about the approaches we use to support our customers as service providers and partners and how we have jointly achieved the defined goals.