Analytical CRM
These times of data wealth, in which companies constantly collect customer data, provide ample opportunities to understand our customers better. However, it is often the case that companies do not, or only to a limited extent, use the rough diamonds they have in their databases to improve their relationship with their existing customers and to learn from them for the acquisition of new customers.
For us, analytical CRM means establishing and maintaining more sustainable, data-based relationships between our clients and their end customers. The focus is always on building up a holistic data-based and analytical understanding of existing customers, developing and deriving recommendation for actions and learning from them to win potential new customers. To do this we make use of available behavioural data as well as qualitative or survey data.
We analyse the available data in order to identify segments, identify needs on a segment-specific basis and prevent churn. We develop new ideas based upon these segments or optimise existing measures. We use the latest methods from marketing science and can build on many years of experience in a wide variety of industries. Together with our customers, we identify the optimal measures and their design. We are therefore happy to support you with tool-based modulation or to develop customer-specific raw data-based solutions. Our in-house development team has many years of experience in data processing, preparation and integration.
Our understanding of CRM is based on the consideration of causal cause-effect relationships: we compare previously implemented measures with your targets and thus quantify the effectiveness and efficiency of your measures. Customer satisfaction and loyalty are not a means to an end but help to contribute to your company goals.
That is our benchmark. We evaluate and optimise existing measures, but also always focus on the quantifiability of the success of newly developed measures.