Privacy und Datenschutz FAQ

The right answers to the most frequently asked questions on the subject of Privacy and Consent

What is GDPR und ePrivacy?

With the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), the EU has created a uniform legal framework for the storage and processing of personal data. It applies to all companies that process data in the EU. GDPR forced companies to deal with data protection issues and to take data protection seriously. The rights for consumers were strengthened, but also the obligations for companies were extended. A central innovation lies above all in the impending penalties for data protection violations, which have been greatly increased in GDPR. You can find further descriptive information here:

The ePrivacy Directive (“ePrivacy Directive”) has been in force since 2002 and should have been replaced by the ePrivacy Regulation long ago. However, many uncertainties and adverse circumstances mean that the ePrivacy Regulation is not expected to enter into force before the end of 2021. It will define data protection in digital communication to a large extent.

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